Incentives for Azores Crafts (Applications Open)

The application period for the Azores Craft Development Incentive System (SIDART) is open, closing on April 1st.


This Craft Development Incentive System, established under Regional Legislative Decree no. 34/2012/A, of July 25, and regulated by Regional Regulatory Decree no. 1/2013/A, of February 27, mandates the provision of non-repayable grants and aims to promote the sustainable development of craft activities within the regional economy. The support to be received is granted under Regulation (EC) No. 1998/2006, of the Commission, of December 15, 2006, on the application of Articles 87 and 88 of the Treaty to de minimis aid, published in the Official Journal of the European Union L 379, of December 28, 2006.

What projects are supported?

Within the scope of SIDART, supported projects include:

– Training;

– Qualification and innovation of the craft product;

– Marketing and promotion;

– Investments in structures and equipment;

Application period

Applications for SIDART take place in a single phase from March 1 to April 1 of the current year, through the platform

How can we help artisans?

Lava can play a crucial role in craftsmanship, providing greater reach, effective promotion, accessible learning, efficient management, personalization, and preservation of traditions. Artisans can sell to the entire world, promote products through social media, learn new techniques online, manage businesses more effectively, create customized products, and preserve traditional practices. Digitalization opens doors for growth and success in craftsmanship, connecting artisans to a global audience and empowering them with modern tools.


The image used to illustrate this article is part of a craft promotion project for the Azores developed for Adeliaçor , consisting of a photographic survey of reference craft pieces from the islands of Corvo, Flores, Faial, Pico, and São Jorge, production and distribution of table mats in local restaurants, and placement of giant advertising runners at the air gateways of the islands in question.

SaoJorge.1 1

Corvo.1 1
flores.vDemo 1