
Czar Wine

Czar Wine, a prestigious winery with roots on the illustrious island of Pico in the Azores, combines the centuries-old tradition of viticulture with digital innovation. In this corner of the Atlantic, where nature sculpts the landscape and the sea embraces the vineyards, each bottle of Czar wine is an ode to the region's heritage and unique character.

  • Services
    Innovative Website
    E-commerce solutions
    UI/UX Design & Development
    Marketing & Advertising
    Search Engine Optimization
    Digital Marketing
    Social Media Marketing
  • Year


Czar Wine, distinguished by its ancestral excellence in winemaking, was faced with the need to modernize its digital identity. The pre-eminence of its heritage and the superiority of its wines were not reflected in an outdated digital presence lacking a digital marketing strategy. There is an urgent need for a solution that enhances Czar Wine’s renown in the online world.


Lava, drawing on its vast experience in digital metamorphoses, has engineered a holistic solution that honors tradition and embraces innovation. The solution encompassed the creation of a new website with a delightful e-commerce platform, enriching it with the brand's narrative and legacy. Search engine optimization techniques were employed, and digital marketing campaigns were developed with the aim of enhancing online visibility and boosting commercial transactions.

Search & Brainstorming

Our team undertook an exhaustive study of consumer trends and the wine market, aiming to fully understand the expectations and habits of Czar Wine consumers. This research was the basis for creating a digital strategy that resonates with the public and effectively disseminates the brand's story and values.


Design System

The design of the new website was inspired by the color palette that evokes the Tsar's vineyards and wines, combining shades such as burgundy and gold to convey a feeling of luxury and refinement. The typographic selection and visual elements were scrupulously chosen to provide intuitive and pleasant navigation.



Detailed mockups were created for each page of the website, ensuring that the artistic design was in harmony with Czar Wine's commercial objectives. These mockups acted as the lynchpin between brand strategy and technical execution.
